Narodowy Panel Badawczy

Join the National Survey Panel and your opinion will be valued. For each survey you complete, you will receive points that you can easily exchange for money.

Find out how it works
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The path of cooperation

It’s easy! Register and answer as many of the initial questions as possible. Surveys will be sent to your email address according to your interests and views. All you have to do is start sharing your opinion and the points you collect will be exchanged for money.

You create an account in the system
You fill out surveys
Claim your prizes


Create an account today and earn your first points!

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What do we do?

Since 2013, we have been engaged in market and social opinion research. We have experience in conducting surveys using various methods, including CAWI – panel surveys. Our mission is to connect panelists filling out paid surveys with companies and institutions that want to get an opinion on a specific topic. Profiling panelists allows us to collect data in accordance with the needs of the client, while maintaining the highest quality.

The NPB Research Panel was created so that panelists’ opinions have a real impact on the reality around us.


Why should you open an account?

  • You earn without leaving home
  • Your opinion will have an impact on reality
  • You have the opportunity to participate in interesting online surveys
  • You decide yourself when and how many surveys you will complete

Did we interest you in the topic?

Join us


Frequently asked questions

Questions most frequently asked by our panelists and those wishing to participate in an NPB research panel. When you select a question that intrigues you, the answer will appear.

How much can I earn?

You can earn from tens to hundreds of zlotys or even several thousand zlotys per month for systematically completing surveys. The amount of money earned depends on your activity

How many points do I need to collect to be able to exchange them for money?

The lower limit to withdraw funds from your account is 500 points. There is no upper withdrawal limit, once you have 500 points you decide for yourself when you want to withdraw money.

How often do invitations to complete surveys come in?

The number of survey invitations received depends on the degree of completion of the initial surveys. When a panelist has completed all modules of the pre-survey then he or she may receive from a few to a dozen or more surveys per week.

How do I earn points?

You earn points for completing surveys, sharing your opinion on a given topic. Be sure to fill out pre-surveys, so we can send you more invitations to participate in paid surveys

Who can become a panelist?

The research panel is open to people who are at least 18 years old.

How is the money sent for the points collected?

Via bank transfer.


What makes our offer stand out

Our offer is distinguished first and foremost by our focus on the real needs of the panelists as well as the companies and academic institutions that apply to us. Thanks to this, we are able to provide our panelists with interesting surveys, the completion of which has a real impact on brands, products and decisions


View NPB video

Using NPB’s survey panel is easy and allows you to conveniently earn and augment your household budget with the amounts raised through opinion surveys.


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Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Quality of life for the middle class

We are proud to announce that the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun has selected our offer to carry out a quantitative survey using the CAWI technique among N1200 respondents living in Poland, differentiated by social class. We successfully completed the project and the result of our work in the form of empirical data, was appreciated by the University.

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Quality of life for the middle class

We are proud to announce that the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun has selected our offer to carry out a quantitative survey using the CAWI technique among N1200 respondents living in Poland, differentiated by social class. We successfully completed the project and the result of our work in the form of empirical data, was appreciated by the University.


Quality of life for the middle class

We are proud to announce that the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun has selected our offer to carry out a quantitative survey using the CAWI technique among N1200 respondents living in Poland, differentiated by social class. We successfully completed the project and the result of our work in the form of empirical data, was appreciated by the University.

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Quality of life for the middle class

We are proud to announce that the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun has selected our offer to carry out a quantitative survey using the CAWI technique among N1200 respondents living in Poland, differentiated by social class. We successfully completed the project and the result of our work in the form of empirical data, was appreciated by the University.